Do Fruit Flies Ruin Wine?

Fruit flies are a common nuisance, but do they ruin wine? Depending on the size and sex of the fly, the answer can vary. While the male fly isn’t harmful to wine, the female fly releases a strong pheromone that can alter the taste of the wine. It’s important to check the cork before pouring it and keep it sealed in a room to avoid the flies.

The flies are drawn to fruit because they release ethylene gas when they ripen. Luckily, wine contains a natural cork, which absorbs moisture in the air surrounding the fruit, slowing the ripening process. It’s a good idea to avoid using corks with twist caps, which are easy to open. Plastic corks do not have this protective feature, so they won’t help you with reducing the amount of moisture in your wine.

Researchers have discovered that the flies’ pheromones can cause wine to get spoiled. This chemical is produced by female fruit flies, and researchers found that it can cause wine to lose its flavour. Researchers have found that 2.4 nanograms of pheromone are released by fruit flies in an hour. To test whether fruit flies can ruin wine, they studied the insects’ behavior in a laboratory setting.

Wine producers have noticed a spike in the number of flies in their wine, and it isn’t just a symptom of a disease. A fly infestation can lead to a significant increase in volatile acidity, which is detrimental to the wine’s quality.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!