Do Flies Kill Spiders?

In an effort to better understand the relationship between flies and spiders, we can look to the world of flies. While many species of flies are beneficial to humans, some can be harmful. For example, sewer gnats and drain flies are harmful to humans because their bodies are filled with bacteria and other contaminants that can make humans sick. There are approximately 1,100 different species of flies, but one of the most well-known is the blow fly. These flies are known for their ability to imitate other insects and feed off their saliva. They can also carry prey to a perching site using their powerful bristly legs.

A paper published in the Zookeys journal cataloged four genera of spider flies in Australasia. These species are specialized in parasitizing funnel web spiders, tarantulas, and trap door spiders. These species can be found in Asia, New Guinea, and Indonesia.

Spiders’ hearts are located in their abdomen, above the intestine. They don’t have chambers in their hearts, but instead have a simple tube that supplies haemolymph to the cephalothorax. Spiders get their water from many sources. Droplets from vegetation and the ground are common sources. Early morning dew is also a source.

The best way to reduce the number of spiders in your home is to reduce their food sources. Spiders can enter your home through foundation cracks and exterior debris. They can also enter through windows and doors. You can minimize these areas by tightening the areas around these vulnerable points.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!