Can You Eat Fruit After Fruit Flies Infest It?

When fruit flies infest a fruit, it’s important to avoid eating it until you’ve removed all the flies. Fruit flies can carry germs and bacteria that can cause serious food poisoning. In severe cases, fruit fly infestation can even lead to intestinal myiasis. Fortunately, most fruit flies don’t bite humans, but they can still be dangerous. Fruit flies’ hairy bodies and sticky feet can transmit harmful bacteria and germs to humans. Ultimately, this can be life-threatening.

The best way to prevent fruit fly infestations is to thoroughly wash the fruit you plan to eat. Fruit fly eggs are most commonly found on overripe or decaying produce. The larvae feed by suckling the juices from the food. Because they are small and hard to see, it can be difficult to spot them in your produce. You can prevent these insects by thoroughly washing all produce and discarding overripe or rotting fruit.

Using insecticides can also be effective. However, they should be used responsibly. The chemicals contained in insecticides can be harmful to children and pets. Moreover, if you still want to eat your fruit, it’s important to keep it refrigerated until you eat it. If you can’t eat the fruit right away, you can store it in the refrigerator until it’s ripe. Afterward, you should discard the leftovers immediately. Remember to wash your fruits and vegetables thoroughly to remove any possible eggs and larvae. It’s also important to clean up any spills, especially fruit juices.

Fruit flies are an unpleasant nuisance to have around the kitchen. They lay eggs inside the fruit and feed on the microorganisms that decompose the fruit. The first signs of an infestation don’t become apparent until the fruit is cut in half, and the affected area turns into a soft pulp. It’s essential to keep your fruit away from fruit flies so that you can continue to enjoy the benefits of eating it.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!