Can Fruit Flies Get You Sick?

Fruit flies may not seem to be a serious health hazard, but they can carry bacteria, viruses, and fungi. These organisms can stick to the surface of fruits and vegetables, and can cause illness in humans. People who are susceptible to these diseases are at greatest risk of contracting an illness from eating fruit contaminated with fruit flies.

Fruit flies can become a health risk if they are present in the kitchen. They disrupt the food preparation process and can spread bacteria throughout the kitchen. Also, fruit flies attract other pests, including ants, cockroaches, and rats. This is because fruit flies feed on bacteria and other microorganisms.

Fruit flies are attracted to fruits and vegetables, especially bananas and tomatoes. Adult fruit flies lay up to 2,000 eggs inside fruit and vegetables. The eggs hatch in a matter of a few days and the larvae feed on decaying matter and bacteria. After two or three days, they pupate on a surface close to the source of food. During this time, the larvae undergo a dramatic transformation and become an adult fruit fly. This insect’s lifespan is eight to 15 days.

If you’re worried about fruit flies in your kitchen, there are several things you can do to protect yourself from them. First, you should store fruit and vegetables in the refrigerator and prevent them from becoming overly-ripe. You can also store fruit on your countertop, but be sure to wash it thoroughly before eating. You can also store fruit in a covered container so that it does not get contaminated with bacteria.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!