Can Fly’s Have Babies?

While flies are not the most intelligent creatures in the world, they do have a remarkable reproductive capacity. Female tsetse flies, tachinid flies, and common house flies can all give birth to live larva. The larvae of tsetse flies are almost as large as the mother.

Fly eggs can be found in a variety of places, including food left out for prolonged periods. These can range from old leftovers in the refrigerator to crumbs of big meals. When these flies lay their eggs, they usually seek out an area with ample food and a place that is protected. This means that it is vital to ensure that you keep all food and waste products out of these areas.

During their adult life cycle, flies are relatively short-lived. Their lifespan ranges from fifteen to thirty days. During that time, they go through four stages. In the first stage of the fly’s life cycle, the female lays eggs. The male then fertilizes the eggs. The eggs are then laid in moist areas, usually in decaying organic matter. In total, female flies can lay more than 500 eggs during their lifetimes.

After the final moult, adult flies enter the pupa stage. They develop wings, antennae, and legs during this stage. Within two or three days, the pupae emerge from the pupal case, using the ptilinum, or wing-like extension.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!