Can Flies Have Babies in Your House?

When flies are infesting your home, they may be a nuisance, but they are also a potential health hazard. These bugs can come from places that are unsanitary, and they can transfer bacteria from one place to another. This means that you have to get rid of the adults before they lay eggs and develop into babies.

Generally, flies breed outdoors, but they can also reproduce indoors. They will enter your home through various openings and find the dirtiest part of your home to lay their eggs. This includes your kitchen garbage bin and dirty drains. These places have rotting food and can easily attract flies. You may even find maggots in the garbage.

Flies are not dangerous when they don’t have an adult. You will never see them, but flies can lay eggs in your home if there is a source of food nearby. Their eggs are similar to rice grains and hatch very quickly into maggots. You can prevent them from laying eggs by blocking access points or by keeping them out.

Although flies are not known to bite, they carry diseases that humans and pets can contract. Flies carry over a hundred different bacteria, including salmonella and typhoid. They can also cause infections of the skin, eyes, and intestines.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!