Can Flies Eat Through Plastic?

Until recently, scientists didn’t know whether flies could eat plastic. But a recent study suggests they could. The caterpillars of the wax moth, which feed on wax and honey from bee hives, were found to eat plastic bags. The researchers, from Cambridge University and Spain’s National Research Council, believe that the caterpillars could eventually eliminate global pollution caused by plastic waste.

A fly’s stomach acid breaks down food matter to a liquid before they can swallow it. After swallowing it, the fly vomits and poop. It can leave three sources of contamination, including your lunch. Not only is the fly’s body odor harmful, but its droppings and vomit are also contaminated with bacteria from its last meal.

Several kinds of flies can eat plastic. Fruit flies are a particular pest, as they can get inside the plastic wrap and not get out. But using soap or soapy water can help keep the flies away. Soapy water will also reduce the stress on the floor, ensuring that any fruit flies that land on the floor will drown. Various other bugs can burrow through plastic and tear it with their mandibles.

Flies are notorious spreaders of bacteria and viruses. They spread diseases like e-coli, salmonella, rotavirus, hepatitis A, and cholera. They can also cause blindness by spreading trachoma.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!