Can Flies Eat Chocolate?

Some insects are attracted to the sweet taste of chocolate, but flies aren’t one of them. They’re a pollinating species that thrive in shady, damp conditions. They need moist soil and aquatic or semi-aquatic environments to reproduce. Because cacao trees are removed to make way for other crops, their leaf litter is severely reduced.

Because cacao is a tree, its pollination depends on insects and other wild organisms. This means cacao trees cannot use domestic honeybees. Some of these insects are beneficial, helping cacao trees fight fungus and activate disease-fighting genes. Other insects, such as midges, may actually help pollinate the cacao tree.

Although they may not eat chocolate, flies do like to eat sweet items. This is because their mouths are made of a substance similar to a sponge. They can also digest solid food into liquid form by spitting it out or vomiting it. However, unlike most insects, flies don’t eat hair. Instead, they are drawn to different scents and moisture. If you’re cooking outdoors, make sure that you cover your food with a lid to prevent flies from getting into it.

Flies are also attracted to sugary foods, which ferment and release carbon dioxide. Since sugars ferment, they’re ideal food for fruit flies.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!