Are Lemons Good For Flies?

Lemons are natural deterrents for flies, and can be used to keep the critters away. Lemons can be placed around garbage cans, or placed on the bottom of them. The citrus scent is similar to the pheromone that flies detect. Lemons are also beneficial to human health, as they are a detoxifier and help with weight loss.

Flies that attack citrus fruit include common fruit flies, also known as vinegar flies. These flies are attracted to over-ripe lemons. Adult females produce eggs that hatch under the skin of a lemon, and larvae feed on the pulp until they reach maturity. To control these flies, it is important to practice sanitation and to monitor lemons for overripeness.

Lemons are also popular food sources for European earwigs, which feed on citrus. These flies are native to the Mediterranean region and do not affect the United States. They lay eggs under a lemon’s rind, which hatch into larvae in two to four days. The larvae feed on the top of the fruit for a week before tunneling out to form adult forms.

Another citrus fruit that repels flies is the clove. It contains a pungent scent and can repel flies indoors and outdoors. Cloves are also useful in a natural insect repellent, and are an effective home remedy for fruit flies.

Our top picks for getting rid of flies

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your fly infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!