Why Fleas Bite Ankles

The reason fleas prefer to bite ankles is due to the soft tissue in this area, which is a perfect meal for the parasites. Besides, the ankles are also close to the ground, making them particularly vulnerable to flea bites. The fleas will also take several bites from your ankles before they leave your body. This is why you should try to keep your feet and ankles clean and dry.

Fleas are unable to fly, but they can jump about 8 inches. Therefore, the ankles are the perfect height for them to jump to. They will feed off your skin whenever you wear your shoes and socks, so it’s important to protect them. It’s best to avoid wearing sandals or socks as they will allow fleas to feed on them.

Fleas are oval, bloodsucking parasites that feed on humans and other animals. They can jump up to 150 times their height and survive for months without food. In the past, fleas were the primary transmitters of the bubonic plague. If you have flea bites, visit a dermatologist for proper diagnosis. Your doctor will ask you about your living conditions and if you’ve recently been exposed to fleas.

Fleas can transmit diseases such as Typhus, which causes an allergic reaction to humans. They can also cause respiratory problems if you ingest their saliva. Hence, it’s imperative to treat flea bites as soon as possible.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!