Why Do Fleas Make a Clicking Noise?

When fleas are trying to find a host, they sometimes make an annoying clicking noise. This is a sign that you have fleas in your home. Fleas are parasites that live on the blood of the host and use this to reproduce. They can go up to 100 days without eating. A female flea will consume as much blood as 15 times her body weight every day. That means that she is feeding fifty to one hundred baby fleas.

Fleas are very tiny insects, about one-eighth of an inch long. They have a flattened body and have four segmented antennae. They have soft bodies and can jump a very long distance. They can be seen by the naked eye. Their bristles point backwards and allow them to move through hair and fur.

If you have a pet and notice that they are constantly biting you, then you may have fleas in your home. The bite is usually mild but may turn red in spots, which is not immediately apparent. If you notice flea bites, you need to change your pet’s bedding regularly. Changing bedding is especially important if you have a dog. Besides, sleeping with insect larvae is disgusting!

There are many reasons why a flea might make a clicking noise. You should look at the time of day when the animal makes its noise. For example, if it is morning, the noise is likely caused by an early morning or late evening activity. Another reason could be the temperature changes. These big temperature fluctuations cause wood to expand and contract, which can cause a popping sound.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!