Does Fleas Create Ticks?

If your dog or cat is out and about in tall grass, it is important to check your pet for ticks. If you spot a tick, quickly remove it with tweezers and clean the area. Ticks and fleas are very annoying and it is important to prevent them. Fleas and ticks can also affect your health and your pet’s behavior. To keep your pet safe from ticks and fleas, be sure to bathe your dog or cat regularly. If you have specific concerns, contact your vet.

Fleas and ticks are parasitic creatures that live on the blood of their hosts. This means that they can drain a great deal of blood from your pet. The good news is that you can see them with the naked eye, but you may not see a large infestation until your pet is covered in thousands of them.

Fleas are much smaller than ticks, but they have similar symptoms. The bites of both fleas and ticks are irritating, although the flea bite is likely to be smaller. Tick bites often have a “bullseye” appearance, and they can also develop a dark scab in the center.

Fleas live in warm, humid environments, and are commonly found on pets. Flea infestations usually occur in the summer and early fall. However, in some parts of the country, they can be an issue year-round. Fleas will often survive indoors during cooler months.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!