Why Do Fleas Bite Lower Legs?
Fleas usually bite the lower legs of humans, but they can also attack the upper legs and arms. Fleas usually make their nest close to the ground, which makes it easy for them to access these areas. When a person sits on the floor, fleas can easily reach their waist and upper legs. As a result, people who sleep on the floor are also susceptible to flea bites.
Children are particularly vulnerable to flea bites because they are often cuddling a pet or playing outside in shady, sandy areas. It is not uncommon to see family pictures of parents and babies sleeping next to their pet. The family dog may even jump onto the child’s bed. While a child might not be aware of it, the dog may be the source of the fleas.
A home remedy for flea bites consists of applying dried chamomile flowers to the affected areas. This natural remedy contains flavonoids and terpenes, which have anti-histamine and antioxidant properties. It should be applied directly to the affected area and should last for about 10 minutes. In severe cases, however, it may be necessary to visit a doctor, as a flea bite could result in a secondary infection and pus-filled blisters.
A flea infestation can be very painful for humans and pets. Fleas feed off of the carbon dioxide and heat in the blood. Their bites are usually red and swollen, and are most likely to be accompanied by red bumps. In severe infestations, fleas can even kill animals. They can also carry bacteria.