Why Do Dogs Get Fleas?

Fleas are very tiny parasites that can infest your dog and cause it to itch. Often, you will not even notice the fleas until your dog starts to itch terribly. Fleas usually attach themselves to the outer surface of the dog’s skin. They are only able to survive by feeding on their host.

Fleas have a life cycle that can last 16 to 21 months. The life cycle begins with the laying of eggs, which develop into larvae. The larvae then develop into pupae and finally mature into adult fleas. In your home, you can attempt to kill adult fleas, but that will not be effective. Instead, you need to focus on preventing the lifecycle of fleas.

Fleas prefer animals with high body temperatures and thick fur. This is because they rely on the warmth of their hosts to survive. They also enjoy the insulation that the thick coats of fur provide. However, it is important to remember that humans do not have thick coats of fur, so they may not be an ideal host for fleas.

To prevent fleas from infesting your dog, you can try to check for signs of infestation. One of the simplest ways to check for fleas is to check your dog’s fur and skin. You should pay special attention to the armpits and groin, which are well-hidden. If you notice flea dirt on these areas, it is likely that your dog has fleas.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!