Why Can’t I Get Rid of My Cats Fleas?

Cat fleas are the most common cause of flea infestations. These parasitic insects live on cats and complete their entire life cycle on the feline host. After feeding on your cat, flea eggs will fall from your cat’s fur and infest your carpet and furniture. These eggs will hatch into larvae and pupae, and after a week, your cat will have an infestation.

Flea sprays will kill adult fleas, but they won’t kill the flea pupae. Therefore, you may need to apply several applications of the sprays. If you don’t find any relief after a few days, you may need a professional flea removal.

Fleas are dark brown parasitic insects that live on pets. They can live for up to a year, and can lay up to 50 eggs a day. Female fleas can jump more than 100 times their own length. Fleas feed on the blood of your cat, and they produce feces and dirt to spread the infection.

Some veterinarians recommend a topical product called Revolution, which kills adult fleas in about 30 minutes. But if fleas return, it’s important to repeat the treatment. Another option is to use a chewable medication called Spinosad. This product is a natural substance extracted from soil bacteria, and has been extensively tested by the EPA.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!