Why Are Fleas Bad For Dogs?
Fleas can lead to serious health problems for your dog. These pests feed on your dog’s red blood cells and cause your dog to become anemic. This is especially serious for small dogs, which have a smaller blood supply than large dogs. As a result, flea control is critical to prevent anemic episodes. You should treat your dog with a flea control product as soon as you see signs of an infestation. Your veterinarian can provide treatment and advice regarding flea control.
Fleas live in bedding, carpets, and other surfaces in your home. They jump onto your pet to feed, but they don’t stay long. Symptoms of a flea infestation can vary from irritation to internal complications, so it is best to consult a vet if you are unsure whether or not your dog has fleas.
Fleas are tiny, reddish brown, and smaller than a grain of rice. They can cause your dog a lot of discomfort, as well as several diseases. If your dog has fleas, you need to learn about how to treat them. For example, your veterinarian may recommend a topical cream for fleas.
Fleas are more common during the warmer months of the year, so it is best to treat your pet at the right time to prevent an infestation. You should also consider the climate in which you live when treating your pet to prevent fleas. Fleas thrive best in warm, moist conditions. However, even in the colder months, fleas can be a significant health risk.