Why Are Fleas Attracted to Me?

Fleas are common ectoparasites that live on humans and other animals. They can carry a number of diseases. Many people who are exposed to fleas tend to experience more bites. The best way to avoid flea bites is to wear clothing.

Fleas are attracted to our bodies because we emit certain chemical compositions. Our bodies secrete different chemicals and give off different gases, which can alter the way fleas attract us. Fleas can also send a message to other fleas nearby so they can find an appropriate meal.

Fleas prefer areas with dirt and grass to hide in. Keeping your yard clean of trash and debris will help repel wild animals and keep fleas away. Trash containers should be sealed properly to prevent larger animals from coming to your yard. Also, keep the yard free from overgrowth, as this attracts wildlife.

Fleas are tiny, wingless insects that live on humans, animals and pets. Adult fleas are about a third of an inch long and are black or reddish brown. Their hind legs have strong claws on the bottom and mouthparts that pierce the skin. Adult fleas can jump up to eight inches vertically and sixteen inches horizontally. They have spines on the back of their bodies that allow them to move easily through a host’s hair and repel pulling when they groom.

Flea bites are itchy and can cause redness around the bite site. They can also trigger an allergic reaction. The bites are usually on the legs, feet, and ankles. However, fleas can also hop up onto your forearms when you pet a pet.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!