Where Does My Dog Get Fleas From?

Fleas can be a huge nuisance for your dog. They cause itching and scratching, which can lead to hair loss. Your dog may also develop red, irritated skin. Fleas also carry tapeworms and Flea-Bite Anemia. You can easily spot fleas by looking for flea dirt on your dog’s fur and coat.

Fleas are most commonly transmitted to dogs and cats from other animals in the house. Adult fleas can jump from one pet to another, laying eggs that hatch and bite your dog. Flea dirt can also be visible in your dog’s poop – brown crumbs and red ring spread from flea dirt. Fleas can also be passed on by visiting cats.

Fleas are small, jumping insects that live on the blood of other animals. Dogs can pick them up from their environment, or they can fall off a pet. Even if your dog has an effective flea collar on, it can still be susceptible to fleas, especially if the protection is worn off.

Fleas can be killed by using an effective flea treatment. These treatments kill adult fleas for several weeks. You can buy a commercial solution or use homemade remedies.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!