Where Does a Cat Get Fleas?

Fleas are parasitic insects that live on animals such as cats and dogs. Once they have infested your cat, they can continue to reproduce. These parasites lay up to 50 eggs each day. Infestations can be painful for both you and your pet. In addition to itching, fleas can also cause an allergic reaction in some cats.

You can prevent fleas from infesting your pet by applying a flea treatment on it regularly. The best treatment is one with active ingredients that kill fleas as they develop into adults. Your vet can recommend the right treatment for your cat based on its health and age.

Fleas can be transmitted from a pet to humans through contact with other animals and the environment. If your cat is in contact with other animals, they may bring fleas home with them. Fleas can also be transmitted to your pet by being in close contact with them.

Fortunately, there are many different types of flea treatment for your pet. The most common ones are Frontline and Advantage. These treatments are applied to your cat’s neck and face and kill fleas for up to one month. You can repeat the treatment as needed. Some people use over-the-counter products, but you should always check with your veterinarian before using them on your pet.

Fleas lay eggs on your cat and shed them into the environment. Within a week, the eggs develop into larvae and hatch. The larvae avoid light and burrow into carpets, cracks in hardwood floors, and other humid areas. Eventually, they pupate and become adult fleas. The entire flea life cycle takes from three to six weeks, depending on the species and climate.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!