Where Do Fleas Bite Humans?
The most common place fleas bite humans is on the lower extremities, but they can also bite on the scalp, chest, and waist. They rarely bite above the knees. Humans are most likely to get bitten by fleas while lying on bare floors. You can avoid getting bit by fleas by washing your clothes after spending time outdoors.
Flea bites are characterized by small red bumps on the skin. These bumps may be raised or flat and may have a red halo. They’re typically located on the legs, ankles, armpits, breasts, and groin. Flea bites are often uncomfortable, and they may cause an allergic reaction for some people. It is best to avoid contact with the fleas as much as possible to avoid developing a rash.
The bites of fleas can be painful and may bleed under the skin. They may also cause itching and irritability. Fleas can also carry bacteria and cause infection. Therefore, it is important to get a medical evaluation if you suspect you have been bitten by a flea.
Fleas are most common in homes with pets, and the bites usually appear on exposed areas. Fleas typically bite in clusters and leave a raised, irritated area on the skin. They are active at night, and they usually bite while the host is sleeping.