Can Dog Fleas Get on Cats?

Dogs are not the only animals that can have fleas. Cats and humans are also susceptible to flea infestation. The most common flea found in North America is the domestic cat flea, which has a scientific name of Ctenocephalides felis. They are very small, measuring just two to three millimeters in length, with big, flat back legs. They can jump about 12 inches and can carry more than 100 immature fleas. When you’re not sure if your cat is having fleas, try examining your cat’s fur for specks. These specks are dried blood, and will turn brown when rehydrated.

The study, which was conducted from April to June 2018, involved 326 veterinary practices. It examined 1627 animals and collected samples from 1475. Only one animal was excluded from the study because the information about its host species was unknown. This study was an important step toward preventing cat and dog flea infections.

While dogs are most likely to get fleas from their pets, cats are also susceptible. Cats ingest fleas as they groom themselves. This may cause your cat to become itchy. Cats may only be aware of the problem if they are scratching themselves. But, it’s worth remembering that these fleas can also bite people!

Flea treatments can be applied to your cat or dog with the help of a veterinarian. You should use only veterinary-approved products as some of them can be harmful to pets if they are not used properly. Always read the directions on the packaging carefully.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!