Where Can I Find Fleas?

Fleas are parasitic insects that are transmitted to humans through the fur of animals. They can live in a variety of environments, including bedding, carpets, plants, and furniture. Flea eggs are laid on a daily basis and are spread from one host to another through their fur. Flea eggs also fall on bare floorboards and can be transferred to other areas of the home by pets and humans.

Fleas are most prevalent in warm, humid areas. They prefer carpeting, pet bedding, and pet bodies, so keep your carpets and other areas in your home clean and dry at all times. Regular vacuuming will help remove fleas from your home, and you can also sprinkle flea powder on carpets and furniture to kill fleas. There are also sprays available to eliminate fleas.

The best way to eliminate fleas is to prevent them from reproducing. One of the easiest ways to do this is to regularly vacuum and wash bedding. Changing bedding on a regular basis is also important. Also, fleas tend to live in shady and protected outdoor areas. Therefore, make sure to regularly check these outdoor areas with a vacuum.

Fleas are often noticeable by scratching. A swollen flea bite may be a sign of a flea infestation. Fleas are attracted to thick hair, which provides them with ideal hiding spots. If you notice excessive scratching or hair loss on your pet, this is also an indicator of a flea infestation.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!