Where Can Fleas Live in Your House?

The first step to preventing flea infestation is to identify flea-ridden areas and take measures to eliminate them. Fleas prefer warm, dark, humid areas to reproduce and live. They feed on the blood of mammals and organic matter. These areas may be wood piles, tall grass, or debris.

Adult fleas prefer cats and dogs, but will jump on any living thing. They are nearly invisible, and can be difficult to spot without a flashlight. They are oval white specks about the size of a grain of salt, and prefer areas where they can find a warm, moist place.

Fleas can enter a home through the grass in the yard. They may also be brought in by a guest or friend who has a flea problem. Some fleas are also brought into a home by wild animals. Often, these animals have taken up residence on the property without the owner’s knowledge, and may have set up a nest inside the house or in a nearby tree.

To prevent flea infestation, use a flea spray. You can spray it on the infested areas, but it is recommended to check whether your fabric is compatible with the spray. The spray will kill the fleas and their eggs and will leave your home smelling fresh. Vacuuming the areas where fleas are found can also help to reduce the flea population in your house.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!