Where Are Fleas Coming From?

While house fleas are often an annoyance, they can become a serious problem if they spread throughout the home. Fleas are small and can jump on human skin and are usually not noticed until they infest a home. The good news is that there are many different methods to get rid of fleas. The first step is to learn how to recognize an infestation, and then take the appropriate steps to prevent it.

Fleas can infest a home through a variety of methods, including contact with a previously infested animal. Outdoor animals, such as opossums, feral dogs, raccoons, coyotes, and skunks, are also a prime source of flea infestations. Fleas lay their eggs in these areas and then jump on nearby animals. Fleas can live without a blood meal for up to three months, so they can easily spread from host to host.

Fleas prefer warm, moist areas to live. They feed on humans or animals with warm blood. The bites from fleas can be painful or even dangerous, depending on the type of previous host. For this reason, it is important to regularly inspect your home for fleas, as well as your pet.

Besides pets, fleas can infest other surfaces, including your furniture and carpets. Fleas lay eggs in furniture and rugs, but they are hard to spot if they’re present. Flea eggs can also be found in cracks between wood floorboards.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!