What is the Cheapest Way to Get Rid of Fleas?

If you’re looking for a cheap and effective way to kill fleas in your home, try using dish soap. Pour some dish soap into a shallow dish and place it near a light source. The fleas will be attracted to the light and jump into the soap. Once they land in the liquid, they’ll drown.

Diatomaceous earth is another inexpensive method. This powder, which is made of crushed diatoms, is not toxic for humans, but is an effective natural flea repellent. Sprinkle the mixture throughout your home in thin layers and leave it for at least two days.

Another way to get rid of fleas is to keep your home clean and free of clutter. Fleas prefer to live in corners and congested areas. To avoid flea infestations, it’s essential to vacuum regularly, especially in corners and under furniture. In addition, you can put moth balls in your vacuum bag to kill flea eggs.

A homemade flea spray made from lemon and vinegar is another way to get rid of fleas fast. You can create it yourself by combining two liters of vinegar with 500 ml of lemon juice. The mixture is effective for at least two days, and it can be used on carpets, furniture, window sills, and floors.

Coconut oil is another natural treatment for fleas. It’s antibacterial and antifungal. It also makes dogs’ coat shiny and reduces body odor. You can also add coconut oil to your dog’s food for added protection.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!