What Fleas Are Attracted To

Fleas can find their way onto humans or pets through various means, such as a warm environment. They can also be lured with different scents. The heat and carbon dioxide in the human body are two of the most common attractants for fleas. If a flea can detect the warmth of a human being, it will jump right on the warm body.

Fleas prefer warm and moist environments. They like to burrow into the fur of a host, where they can get closer to its body heat. Another reason for this is the fact that they are attracted to light. Hence, if there is a sudden change in light, the fleas will be attracted to the change in light.

If you want to know what fleas prefer, you can learn about the types of food that attract fleas. As far as food goes, a person who eats garlic, onion, curry, and pungent plants will be less likely to be bitten by fleas. As for animals, cats and dogs tend to be more attractive to fleas. Besides these, certain aspects of the home also attract fleas. For example, if your carpets are very dirty, it will be an ideal breeding ground for fleas.

Carbon dioxide is another source of attraction for fleas. Carbon dioxide from the breath of a human being elicits a greater response in fleas than the carbon dioxide from dry ice. Additionally, heat and humidity are important factors in the attraction response.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!