What Can You Eat to Make Fleas Not Bite You?

Fleas can be very hard to get rid of, but there are certain foods that can prevent them. One of the foods that can deter fleas is honey. This is because honey has many properties that can help relieve itching. It also contains the enzyme catalase, which is good for relieving inflammation. You can lightly cover your flea bites with honey. Use a bandage to keep the honey from getting sticky or messy.

Another food that will keep fleas at bay is garlic. It is not toxic to humans, but fleas hate the smell. It will repel fleas, and it can be used as a flea spray. Garlic is also good for dogs because it repels fleas.

It is essential to keep your home clean when dealing with fleas. A good antibacterial cleanser is important to prevent infection, and you can also use an antihistamine if you are allergic to flea saliva. It can also help reduce the itch caused by flea bites.

Adding vinegar to your home can also help repel fleas. It is a strong smell, and most insects and pets are naturally scared of it. Fortunately, you can add a bit to your water dish or spray it on your pet’s collar. It will keep fleas away without harming your pet.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!