How Young For Flea Treatment?

A puppy can start receiving flea treatment when it is six weeks old. A vet will prescribe a topical medication known as Revolution, which contains selamectin, to help keep fleas and other insects off of the puppy. This medication is also effective against ear mites, ticks, and roundworms. Another benefit of this medication is that it prevents heartworm. While puppies are usually too young to be exposed to heartworms, treatment with Revolution will keep them heartworm-free.

A new puppy’s age is also an important factor when choosing a flea treatment. While most topical treatments are suitable for puppies from eight weeks of age and up, some are only appropriate for older puppies. Ideally, you should bring your puppy home between eight and 12 weeks old. Most reputable breeders will not separate a puppy from their mother before she reaches that age. Therefore, when choosing a topical treatment, you should read the instructions carefully and find out which one is appropriate for your puppy’s age. FRONTLINE Tri-Act FOR DOGS and FRONTLINE Plus(r) are both suitable for puppies from eight weeks of age and over.

A young puppy should not be subjected to harsh flea treatments, such as flea powder. However, if your puppy is already suffering from fleas, you can consider using a topical treatment, such as Dawn detergent. It kills fleas very quickly and is gentle enough to use on a young dog. Moreover, you can also use this treatment on the mother, which can help prevent reinfection.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!