How to Prevent Your Dog From Getting Bit by Fleas
Dog fleas can be quite annoying for your pooch. These bugs are tiny and can live for weeks. They may appear anywhere, but they are drawn to certain areas of your dog’s body. They may have entered your home from another pet or from the environment. There are ways to prevent your pooch from getting bitten by fleas.
Fleas usually come from wild animals or pets, and they spend most of their adult life on animals. Their breeding grounds are warm sheltered places. Fleas will often spread from one dog to another if they are not controlled. If you are not careful, an infestation in your home will spread to your pooch’s outdoor kennel. Another way fleas can spread is by letting your pet spend the day in the car, where it may come into contact with other animals.
Fleas can spread from one animal to another without the owner even noticing it. Fleas will jump quite a distance. This means that a small number of fleas isn’t an immediate problem, but one can quickly turn into a whole colony. Fleas reproduce quickly – they can lay as many as 20 to 50 eggs every day! Once they have hatched, they live for up to a year.
Fortunately, there are steps you can take to prevent an infestation from occurring again. Taking your dog to the vet is a great way to prevent a flea infestation. You can take precautions such as buying flea collars. A veterinarian will be able to treat your dog after he’s been infected with fleas. This will help your dog recover from the infestation and help you explore possible prevention methods.