How to Prevent Sand Fleas

Sand fleas are small, insect-like pests that bite humans. The bite can be itchy and stinging. Their primary food source is dead organic matter. As a result, innocent sunbathers become a prime target during peak feeding times. Fortunately, there are ways to prevent sand flea bites.

If you are constantly exposed to sand, it may be a good idea to apply calamine lotion. This topical cream will soothe your skin and help reduce the itching. However, you should avoid scratching your wound as this could lead to infection. Sand flies are most active early in the morning and on warm, cloudy days. They also prefer dark clothing and are found close to running water.

The best way to prevent sand flea bites is to wear insect repellent and put something between you and the sand. The most common areas to get bitten by sand fleas are the ankles, calves, and backs of the thighs.

Sand flea bites are itchy and scratchy. You should visit the beach during the daytime, not early or late in the evening. Also, avoid visiting the beach if it’s rainy, as this will increase the number of sand fleas. In addition to avoiding the worst time of day to visit the beach, try using insect repellent.

Sand flea bites can be painful, so if you feel a bite, apply calamine or hydrocortisone cream or cover your legs with socks and pants. Antihistamine creams and gels can also help alleviate the itching and swelling. However, while they can be irritating, they are a necessary step for keeping sand fleas at bay.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!