How to Get Rid of Fleas in Your Hair

Fleas don’t typically live in your hair. Rather, they take a blood meal when their primary host is not present. The fleas will leave the area immediately after feeding. Sometimes, however, they can remain in your hair if they can’t find a way out.

There is only one species of flea that lives on human blood, and that’s the Pulex Irritans. However, many other types of fleas may hitchhike in your hair. For example, you may get fleas from your dog and then transfer them to yourself.

The best way to get rid of fleas from your hair is to wash your hair regularly. This helps get rid of most of the fleas in your hair. However, you should be careful to wash your hair gently. If you’re shampooing by yourself, try to work the shampoo into the roots. It’s also helpful to have someone nearby to catch any fleas that may escape.

While humans can have fleas in their hair, it’s rare for them to live there. The fleas that live in human hair are very small and can’t reproduce in it. They will not cause an outbreak of fleas, but they will still bite you if they get in your hair. So, it’s important to wash your hair properly to prevent them from reproducing.

To get rid of fleas in your hair, you can try several DIY treatments. First, you can take a bath. It’s important to use warm water, so you can stay comfortable while taking a bath. You can also apply baking soda and water paste to your hair. This paste is effective against fleas and flea larvae.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!