How Small Are Sand Fleas?

While sand fleas are often called beach flies, they are actually tiny crustaceans that are related to crabs and lobsters. In fact, some species can grow up to an inch long. These little pests can be found on beaches across North America. Sand fleas are brown, black, or gray, and have several pairs of legs. They have long, thick antennae, as well as two forked appendages on their backs.

Sand fleas are not dangerous to humans but can bite and itch, which can make it uncomfortable. Sand flea bites are usually located on the ankles or feet. The bites may not cause any immediate symptoms, but if the bites become inflamed, they can lead to ulceration. Multiple bites can even lead to difficulties walking.

The bite of a sand flea is often painful. The tiny creature lives near the ground and feeds on the blood of humans and animals. It is attracted to heat and movement. Sand fleas are most active during the dawn and dusk hours, but can bite at any time. A sand flea bite feels like a needle, and may also cause a burning sensation.

Sand fleas are not likely to infest your home, but they can cause serious problems if you live near water. While sand fleas do not normally cause any problems, they can cling to pets and people, which can make them difficult to remove. Therefore, it is important to understand how small these critters are in order to effectively deal with them.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!