How Much Is An Exterminator For Fleas?

The cost of hiring an exterminator to kill fleas varies based on the nature of the infestation, how many treatments are required, and your geographic location. The price of flea control will also depend on the level of service you need, with the most basic service requiring one visit while the most comprehensive package can include recurring treatments. Fleas can invade your home from rodents or from your pets, so it’s important to have the proper treatment to eliminate them.

Before you choose an exterminator, consider the size of your home. Smaller rooms are typically less expensive than a large home. This is because smaller jobs require fewer resources and fewer labor hours. It is therefore possible to get a flea control service for a few rooms for a hundred dollars.

A professional flea treatment should be performed once a year. A professional treatment will include scouting for fleas in the home, treating suspected areas and vacuuming to remove eggs and larva. If fleas remain after the treatment, an expert can apply a pesticide using an aerosol can. This product will kill fleas and their eggs over a period of a few hours. Another option is to use a heat treatment, which kills fleas and their eggs.

An average home flea treatment will cost between $100 and $250. This cost includes an initial treatment and a follow-up treatment. However, it is important to note that the cost will vary depending on the size and complexity of your infestation. Extermination costs can also depend on whether you need your pets treated as well.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!