How Much Does Flea Treatment Cost at the Vet?

If you’ve noticed that your pet has fleas, you may be wondering how much it will cost to get it treated by a veterinarian. A typical treatment will run you about $120, with a subsequent monthly medication costing around $10 to $15. There are also several methods of prevention you can use at home to help prevent flea infestations.

One of the most effective flea treatments is oral. These medications are usually given by mouth and should be applied monthly for 3 months. You can buy prescription oral flea medications at a veterinary clinic or pet store. Some veterinary hospitals also sell flea prevention products online. Some even offer free shipping for certain purchases. It’s important to remember that most states require that you have a prescription from your veterinarian if you plan to buy a flea medication online.

Another option is to use over-the-counter flea products. While these products can eliminate fleas in a small area, they are not as effective as professional chemicals. And they can also cause health risks, especially when improperly applied. Many over-the-counter treatments only kill adult fleas, leaving eggs and pupae in your home. Moreover, over-the-counter products can be expensive to buy in large quantities for an entire home treatment.

Fleas are a serious threat to your pet’s health. Not only can they cause itching and intense allergic reactions, but they can also cause anemia. A veterinarian can prescribe an oral or topical flea control treatment, depending on your pet’s specific situation. It is also advisable to watch your pet for any signs of itching and to keep the vet informed.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!