How Much Does Flea Medicine Cost?

The cost of flea medicine can vary greatly from company to company. It is important to find a company that you trust and that has references from previous clients. There are two main companies in the US that provide flea medicine. They are NexGard and Frontline Plus. You can also do it yourself by purchasing over-the-counter products. If you follow the instructions correctly, over-the-counter products can kill fleas, but they may not be as effective as professional chemicals. Besides, you may have to buy several bottles of the medicine to treat your entire home. Moreover, if you don’t know how to use the product, you may not be able to target the areas of greatest infestation. The DIY approach generally requires more time and effort.

If you’d like to avoid paying so much, you can opt for natural flea remedies. While they may not be as effective as the chemical-based products, they are safer than their commercial counterparts and will help prevent infestations in your home. Moreover, you can use essential oils to repel fleas and other insects.

In addition to oral medications, you can also use topical medications to treat fleas. Topical flea medicines are often applied directly to the skin of your pet. These products are effective against fleas and are a great option for pets that don’t take oral medication. Bravecto is one such medication. A small amount of this medicine can protect your pet from fleas for up to 3 months.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!