How Much Does 1 Flea Weight?

Fleas are small, blood sucking insects. One flea can be one to five milligrams in weight, and their life cycle can last for up to three weeks. During this time, female fleas will lay up to 2,000 eggs. Flea eggs hatch after a few days, and the female flea will lay them on the host animal within 35 to 48 hours. These eggs will then spread the infestation throughout the host animal and surroundings. According to entomologists, there are over 2500 species of fleas.

Fleas are about three millimeters (one-eighth of an inch) long and have flat bodies. Their flat bodies help them to jump and move through the fur of their hosts. They also lack wings, and their hind legs are designed for jumping. Fleas have mouthparts for piercing skin. The adult flea lives for seven days, feeding on the blood of its host. In this time, it can jump as much as 50 times its body length. Fleas are able to lay one egg every day, and each flea can lay up to 1,500 in a lifetime.

Fleas are most common on pets, but they can infest humans if they are in close proximity to your pet. Fleas often breed in areas where pets sleep, so if you have a pet, you are also a likely host. Fleas usually bite the lower leg and ankle area of humans to feed on their blood.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!