How Many Fleas Are Usually on a Cat?

A cat’s skin can be terribly itchy from flea bites, so you should always check for signs of flea infestation. If your cat is scratching its body excessively, or chewing on its skin, fleas are probably the culprit. Fortunately, cat flea and tick shampoo can help relieve your cat’s itchy skin. Use a veterinary formula clinical care flea and tick shampoo, which will kill fleas on your cat’s coat and cause temporary relief.

Fleas reproduce rapidly. They lay eggs on animals, especially cats and dogs. Newly-emerged fleas prefer the warmth and moisture of a cat’s fur and often jump on it. These eggs are often carried inside the home on clothing and shoes. They start reproducing within 24 hours of contact with their host.

If you suspect your cat has fleas, the easiest way to identify them is to use a flea comb. It is best to use a white surface for this task. You should notice small red or black specks on the cotton wool, which are flea dirt. Flea dirt contains digested blood. The dirt will dissolve on damp cotton wool, leaving red-brown blood marks.

Adult fleas are about 1/8 inch long, hairy, with wingless legs. They can jump seven inches vertically and 13 inches horizontally. Fleas have spines on their body and face that lock into the hairs. Adult fleas are also characterized by their eggs, which are smooth, oval, and white.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!