How Many Fleas Are in a Flea Egg?

If you have a pet and you think your house is infested with fleas, you may be wondering how many fleas are in a single flea egg. It takes an egg 17-26 days to hatch into an adult flea. Flea eggs are most likely found in areas where your pet spends the most time. A single flea egg can contain anywhere from one to ten fleas.

Fleas lay eggs in a host animal’s hair, and the eggs fall to the ground where the host animal spends time. Within a few days, these eggs hatch, and fleas grow to be about one eighth inch long. These adult fleas live for about three weeks in the peak season, but they can live for as long as 100 days.

Flea eggs are oval in shape and white in colour, approximately the size of a rice grain. Flea eggs can change colour and become transparent, solid white or shiny. This is the same process that happens when a pet scratches excessively. And when the flea egg hatches, it is a sign that your pet is infested with fleas.

Using a magnifying glass, look for flea eggs on your pet’s body. They like to hide in soft spots, such as the base of the tail and between the shoulder blades. These are their favorite hideouts.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!