How Long Do Fleas Take to Drown?

When a flea is submerged in water, it is important to know how long it will take to drown. Fleas can survive in water for up to a week, but if they’re in saltwater or chlorinated water, they’ll immediately die. Fleas have a special respiratory system, which makes them able to breathe even when submerged in water.

Fleas do not drown in ordinary water, but they can drown in washing up liquid. This liquid contains surfactants, which reduce the surface tension of the water. Fleas will not drown immediately, however – it takes at least 24 hours for them to drown.

If you find a flea on your pet, you should place it in a bowl of warm water. This will trap the fleas and kill them without causing damage to your pet. The next step is to keep the bowl of water near your pet. Using your fingertips to squish fleas will only cause them to jump away. Instead, you should focus on the armpits, groin, and base of the tail. Do not submerge the dog completely – it will not kill the fleas and may even cause harm.

Fleas can survive in water for hours if they are submerged fully. Therefore, it’s crucial to make sure the water is not too warm when you’re bathing your pet. A combination of water and shampoo is recommended to ensure that your pet’s fleas drown effectively.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!