How Long Do Fleas Live Without Food?

Adult fleas cannot survive for several generations without feeding on human blood. They begin looking for a blood meal as soon as they emerge from their cocoon. The first meal is within a couple of days. During the next 24 hours, the flea looks for another available host and begins feeding. The adult flea needs about fifteen times its body weight of blood to reproduce.

The life cycle of fleas takes between seventeen and twenty-six days. However, an infestation may last longer than that because of the quiescence of the fleas. These insects prefer to live in human homes with pets because these environments provide the perfect conditions for their growth. They like to hide in nooks and crannies of the house, including carpets and furniture.

While fleas cannot live underwater, they can drown within minutes of contact with soapy water. Even though they have poor jumping skills, fleas can still bite the skin and spread throughout the home. Fleas are primarily found on humans and animals, but they can also live on clothes and shoes. They lay eggs on these items and can be transferred to other parts of the home.

While some fleas live for a few days without food, others may live for up to a hundred days. The lifespan of adult fleas depends on their life stage and the amount of food that they can consume daily. If they are cocooned, they can survive for 155 days without food. In contrast, when they are removed from their host, they will starve in four days. Young fleas, however, can survive for up to a week.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!