How Fast to Fleas Spread

Fleas are parasites that live on the human skin and can be seen by the naked eye. When they get onto a pet, they begin feeding almost immediately. They do not fly or jump, instead they stay on a specific host for months. Fleas can also jump onto humans and infect a person if they are in close proximity to their animal.

Fleas reproduce very quickly. After acquiring a host, they lay eggs. In less than a day, a female flea can lay approximately 25 eggs. Approximately 75% of these eggs are non-viable, but some are viable. By day 30 of the flea life cycle, there will be about 4,400 fleas in the household. Once there, controlling the infestation becomes difficult. Up to 95% of the flea population is hidden in carpets, which makes it difficult to detect or treat.

The speed of flea spread is greatly affected by the distances between hosts. Adult fleas will only transfer 5% of their eggs between rooms and 7.5% between hosts. Eggs can also be spread from one host to another by moving furniture. The smallest movement between the host and their animal can cause fleas to hop from one place to another.

The main way to treat a flea infestation is to treat your pets, the home and any outdoor areas. This will not only kill the fleas but also eliminate any breeding grounds. If you want to get rid of the fleas as soon as possible, you can treat the fleas in your home with an insecticide spray.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!