How Fast Can Fleas Spread?

Fleas are known to spread quickly and can quickly infest your home. They are tiny parasites that lay up to 500 eggs in a couple of months. They then hatch and hide in your furniture, carpets, and floor cracks. If you suspect your home has fleas, you should call a professional pest control company to help you rid your home of these pests. Here are some tips for getting rid of fleas:

The first step in getting rid of fleas is to make sure your pets are properly groomed. Fleas can easily jump onto your pets or other animals, causing a nasty infestation. Cats and dogs are particularly susceptible, because they can pick up fleas from other animals and people. Mice, which are common carrier animals, can also bring fleas into your home.

Flea eggs incubate for seven to ten days before hatching, but some can hatch within a day. Flea larvae live in the carpets, furniture, and floors, and they mature within two to six weeks. They can survive for as long as 100 days in a warm, humid environment.

Adult fleas spend the majority of their time in the coat or bedding of an animal, such as a dog or cat. They lay up to 500 eggs each day, which hatch into pupae. Once these eggs hatch, the adult flea emerges from its cocoon and finds a suitable host. It detects a host by carbon dioxide levels and vibrations.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!