How Expensive Is Flea Control?

Flea control can be expensive, but there are ways to reduce the costs. The first step is to find out how many fleas your home currently has. Then you can estimate how much it will cost to treat your home. If you only have a few, the cost will probably be less than the total cost of treating your entire house. The best way to lower the cost is to find a company that offers a flat rate that includes inspection and treatment. You can also purchase over-the-counter flea treatments. These products are generally cheaper than professional treatment and you can purchase them for as little as $5 to $30 per bottle.

The cost of flea control will depend on the area of your home and the number of pets that live there. Some companies charge more if they have to treat multiple rooms and pet beds. Other companies will base their prices on the size of your property. A small home with less than two thousand square feet will most likely pay less than a city average, while larger homes may be charged a higher price.

A professional pest control company will be able to identify where the fleas are and treat them accordingly. The technician will also examine your home for flea eggs, fecal matter, active adults, and larvae that are hidden in materials. Usually, a follow-up service call is scheduled 10-14 days after the initial treatment. These follow-up visits are necessary to prevent fleas from re-infesting your home.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!