How Easy is it to Bring Fleas Home?

Fleas aren’t only a problem for those with pets, but for people without pets as well. If your home hasn’t been occupied for several months, flea larvae will still lay dormant for months. And if you don’t have pets, it’s possible that a previous owner left fleas behind.

The easiest way to prevent fleas from infesting your home is to keep it tidy. Make sure to vacuum rugs, furniture, and other secondhand items. Keep in mind that fleas prefer cool, humid areas, so avoid places with high levels of sunlight. But, if you find fleas in your home, you can clean them up by vacuuming and washing all pet bedding.

Fleas don’t always infest humans, but they can transmit several diseases to humans and dogs. The plague, for example, decimated half of the population centuries ago. This disease is transmitted by the flea of the rat species. You should also take the time to wash your hands regularly to prevent the spread of fleas.

Fleas are one of the leading causes of disease in the world. Most of the diseases they cause are skin conditions. But fleas have the potential to transmit serious diseases, including plague and murine typhus. Fortunately, these diseases are curable. Fleas reproduce quickly – one flea can lay as many as fifty eggs in two days. Once the eggs hatch, they multiply into thousands of fleas.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!