How Do Fleas Get on Clothes?

Fleas can get on clothes from a number of sources, but they are most likely to be brought into the home by a pet dog or cat. They can also get onto clothing while moving around the yard, garage, or garden. To avoid this, choose long-sleeved, long-bottomed clothing, thick socks, and gloves. Using a natural insecticide is also an effective way to get rid of fleas.

Fleas live on your pet’s fur, which you can pick up by rubbing against its fur. These tiny parasites also get onto your clothes after a pet’s feeding, as well as on carpets and soft furnishings. Fleas do not live on people, so they only get on clothes when you have a pet with fleas or an infestation in your home. Fleas aren’t a threat to humans, but they can make you feel uncomfortable when you wear an infested garment.

Fleas are also commonly found on clothes that are kept in closets or on luggage. In order to protect yourself, wash clothes immediately after they come home from the outdoors. In addition, if you’ve been in a bed bug hotel, make sure you wash all of your clothes before you put them in the closet. This way, you can prevent fleas from getting on your clothing.

It’s important to use a high-quality insect repellent when going on a walk or camping trip. Using repellent on clothing and exposed skin will prevent fleas from laying eggs and pupa. The repellent will also help to prevent fleas from jumping onto your clothes. Fortunately, these repellent sprays will provide up to 2 weeks of protection.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!