How Do Fleas Come in Your House?

Fleas are a common pest in homes, but there are ways to prevent them. Cleaning your home thoroughly, changing pet bedding frequently, and using an insecticide are all good ways to kill fleas. You can also try a homemade remedy such as cedar oil or rosemary spray. A dehydrating agent like baking soda or salt can also be used to help kill fleas.

Fleas may get into your home through grass in the backyard, from a previous owner, or even from a house guest. They can also be introduced to your home by wild animals. These creatures may have taken up residence in your yard without your knowledge and built nests in your attic or on trees near your home. Another way fleas get into your home is by stepping on your pets’ bare skin.

Vacuuming your home regularly is also an effective flea treatment. It’s important to focus on carpets, mattresses, and furniture, and don’t forget to clean hard-to-reach corners. After vacuuming, make sure to empty the vacuum bag and the filter. Finally, apply a natural flea treatment every third day to minimise the fleas’ population in your home.

Fleas don’t normally choose humans as their hosts. Instead, they often hitch a ride on clothing or shoes. Depending on their size, adult fleas can jump an impressive distance. Fleas are often very difficult to spot, but they can easily enter your house.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!