How Do Fleas Affect Puppies?

Fleas are an annoyance, and the most obvious way to get rid of them is to treat your puppy’s environment. Fleas live in warm environments, and homes with carpet and central heating are prime breeding grounds for these pests. If you’ve seen an infestation on your pet, they’re most likely to have jumped on him from his bed or from another infested pet.

The bites of fleas can cause severe skin irritation and itching in some dogs. Flea bites are most commonly found on the neck and flanks, and the base of the tail. Your dog may scratch the affected area excessively and develop a red bump on his skin. These lesions can become crusty and lead to secondary bacterial infections. In severe cases, these infections can be life-threatening.

Fleas can cause itching and blood loss in your puppy, so you should be vigilant in examining your puppy. Fleas are small – about 1/16 inch long – and they move quickly. Fleas may look black, but they’re actually brown. Infested puppies may also have pale gums and be weak or anaemic.

Once you have identified the location where flea larvae and eggs are, apply the appropriate flea control products. Make sure to use the recommended dosages on the label. If your pet’s weight is smaller than recommended, use a lower dosage.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!