How Do Fleas Affect Humans?

Fleas are small insects with needle-like mouthparts that pierce the skin and suck blood. Their bites can cause swelling and redness, and can be very itchy. They are also known to transmit disease. Some fleas carry parasites. Fleas can cause an allergic reaction in humans, especially children.

Flea bites are red and itchy and usually appear on the legs and ankles. They may appear as little bumps or clusters, and are mistaken for other bug bites. Flea bites can last a week or longer. You can seek medical treatment by visiting a veterinarian. The doctor can identify the type of flea bite and test for infections.

Fleas are known to transmit a variety of diseases, including typhus. This disease, which originated from fleas that bite mice, can kill humans or pets. Fleas are also known to spread plague, which is an incredibly serious bacterial infection. Although this disease is rare in the United States, it’s still very dangerous.

Flea bites are painful and can be infected. Those who scratch them can irritate the skin and push harmful bacteria into open sores. These open sores may develop redness and oozing. Eventually, the infection will cause blistering and pus. In addition to being itchy and painful, fleas can lead to an allergic reaction.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!