How Did Fleas Get Into My House?

Fleas get into your home in a variety of ways. One way is through your pet’s bedding. Flea eggs and larvae live under your pet’s bed. The first sign of a flea infestation is frequent scratching, especially of your pet’s legs. Another sign of flea infestation is small dark oval spots on your bedding.

Fleas are commonly found in homes with animals, but they can also live in homes without pets. They can travel from one place to another by coming in on clothes and shoes, as well as from previous pet owners. Fleas can survive for up to nine months without a host animal.

Fleas feed on blood from warm-blooded mammals. They latch onto your pet’s fur and can spread to other parts of your home through your pets’ fur and clothing. While they prefer to live on dogs and cats, they can also live on humans. Fleas are most prevalent in sleeping areas. If you’ve recently moved into a new place, you may want to consider hiring a professional pest control company to eliminate the fleas.

Controlling fleas is a complex process. Most homeowners call in professionals to help them deal with the problem. But there are things you can do yourself to reduce flea infestations. If your home has a yard, make sure to maintain it. Unmowed grass, dead leaves, and twigs are ideal breeding grounds for fleas.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!