How Can You Get Fleas From Outside?

A simple way to prevent fleas from entering your home is to keep your yard tidy. Avoid leaving your pet’s feeding bowl outside and clean it regularly with a flea comb. Also, avoid leaving unattended garbage or pet food outside. If your pet does spend time outdoors, it’s a good idea to brush them with a flea comb before they go inside. This will make them easier to detect and remove.

Fleas do not prefer to live on humans, but can come into your house on the clothing or shoes of an animal you come into contact with. Fleas have a long, flat body and powerful legs that can jump more than 100 times their body length. They latch onto the host animal and move around, feeding on its blood and locating the softest spots to live. This is often the legs, neck, and abdomen, and can also be found on clothing.

Fleas also love moist, shady spots. Keep your yard free from these places, including any plants, shrubs, and grassy areas. Also, avoid leaving your dog food or pet food outside on the lawn, as these will attract wild animals. You can also keep your garbage in a trash can to keep larger animals from coming into your yard.

Fleas are easy to pick up from animals, and you may have even noticed fleas on your pet. If your pet is already infected, it’s likely that you’ve had an infestation of fleas in the past. The eggs may have been left behind by the previous owners.

Our top picks for getting rid of fleas

These are our 6 TOP picks for getting rid of your flea infestation. These products are carefully selected by our team to give you the most value for your money!